- Dimensional analysis and black holes (2019). An introduction to dimensional analysis, with applications to black holes, for high school students. Given for the UBC Metro Vancouver Physics Circle.
- Physics circle problems (2018–19). High-school physics problems contributed to the UBC Metro Vancouver Physics Circle. This list is still under development.
- Entanglement and quantum secrecy (2017). A presentation for the Melbourne Maths and Science Meetup on entanglement and quantum key distribution. Although the talk was pitched at a general audience, the notes here are slightly more technical.
- Quantum computing in flatland (2016). A talk on anyons (particles with fractional spin) and how they might be used in quantum computing. Aimed at undergraduates.
- Black hole thermodynamics (2015, revised 2018). An introduction to black hole thermodynamics for undergraduates.
- Random walks with hungry bacteria (2018). A short problem set on random walks, from the perspective of a hungry E. coli bacterium.
- Problems in classical mechanics (2016). Tutorials on classical mechanics for a second year physics course at the University of Melbourne.
- Problems in Fourier analysis (2016). Tutorials on wave mechanics and Fourier analysis for the same subject. I also wrote two assignments: one on higher-dimensional donuts, and another on Fourier analysis at the beach.
- String perturbation theory and Riemann surfaces (2018). A quick introduction to string perturbation theory and calculus on Riemann manifolds. The basic conclusion is that, by simply propagating through space, a string can hear the shape of every Riemann surface! The final project for a course on string theory.
- Inflation: inhomogeneities and spectra (2016). Notes on inflation for a seminar course on cosmology. The goal is to explain how classical late-time structure in the universe can be the result of early quantum ripples.
- The functional equation for Riemann’s zeta (2015). A self-contained proof of the functional equation for Riemann’s zeta function. Mainly written for my own edification.
- Time-travelling qubits (2014). Undergraduate coursework project on quantum mechanics and closed timelike curves (CTCs). If they are consistent, CTCs are magical quantum doodads for finding fixed points.