Desert Island fiction

A personal treasury of great fiction. Blurbs to come!

Not the most practical desert island commodity.

Modern (≥19c)

  • The Ruined Map (Kobo Abe)
  • The New York Trilogy (Paul Auster)
  • Molloy (Samuel Beckett)
  • 2666 (Roberto Bolaño)
  • The Savage Detectives (Roberto Bolaño)
  • Labyrinths (Jorge-Luis Borges)
  • Wuthering Heights (Emily Brontë)
  • Invisible Cities (Italo Calvino)
  • The Aegypt Cycle (John Crowley)
  • Little, Big (John Crowley)
  • Great Expectations (Charles Dickens)
  • The Brothers Karamazov (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)
  • Crime and Punishment (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)
  • The Devils (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)
  • The Idiot (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)
  • The Name of the Rose (Umberto Eco)
  • Diary of a Madman and Other Stories (Nikolai Gogol)
  • Demian (Herman Hesse)
  • The Glass Bead Game (Herman Hesse)
  • The Lord Chandos Letter (Hugo von Hofmannsthal)
  • Against Nature (Joris-Karl Huysmans)
  • We Have Always Lived in the Castle (Shirley Jackson)
  • Dubliners (James Joyce)
  • Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man (James Joyce)
  • Ulysses (James Joyce)
  • The Castle (Franz Kafka)
  • The Trial (Franz Kafka)
  • Short Stories (Franz Kafka)
  • Monsieur De Bougrelon (Jean Lorrain)
  • Under the Volcano (Malcolm Lowry)
  • Doctor Faustus (Thomas Mann)
  • Blood Meridian (Cormac McCarthy)
  • Moby Dick (Herman Melville)
  • The Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World (Haruki Murakami)
  • Norwegian Wood (Haruki Murakami)
  • A Wild Sheep Chase (Haruki Murakami)
  • The Wind-up Bird Chronicle (Haruki Murakami)
  • The Plains (Gerald Murnane)
  • Bluets (Maggie Nelson)
  • The Third Policeman (Flann O’Brien)
  • Gormenghast/Titus Groan (Mervyn Peake)
  • The Bell Jar (Sylvia Plath)
  • Maiden Castle (John Cowper Powys)
  • Wolf Solent (John Cowper Powys)
  • The Crying of Lot 49 (Thomas Pynchon)
  • Gravity’s Rainbow (Thomas Pynchon)
  • Pedro Paramo (Juan Rulfo)
  • The Street of Crocodiles (Bruno Schulz)
  • The Rings of Saturn (W. G. Sebald)
  • Vertigo (W. G. Sebald)
  • Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Mark Twain)
  • Infinite Jest (David Foster Wallace)
  • Brideshead Revisited (Evelyn Waugh)
  • To The Lighthouse (Virginia Woolf)

Less modern (<19c)

  • Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (anonymous)
  • Don Quixote (Cervantes)
  • The Canterbury Tales (Geoffrey Chaucer)
  • Paradise Lost (John Milton)
  • King Lear (Shakespeare)
  • The Tempest (Shakespeare)
  • Tristram Shandy (Laurence Sterne)
Written on July 27, 2019