October 16, 2020.Night thoughts on Kepler’s
first law. Main takeaway: an elliptical orbit is just simple harmonic motion with
respect to inverse radius! I review Kepler’s laws and derive the
second and third for good measure as well.
Kepler’s laws
I’ve always found Kepler’s laws a mixed bag. Here they are in their
full glory:
The orbit of a planet is an ellipse with the sun at one focus.
Planets sweep out equal areas in equal time.
The square of the orbital period is proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis.
Everything is fairly simple if we replace the ellipse with a circle.
The focus is the centre, where the sun (which I’ll take to be much heavier
than the planet) sits, and the semi-major axis is just the radius .
Kepler’s second law is simply the statement that the planet orbits at
a fixed speed , and the relation between orbital period and orbital
radius implies
since centripetal acceleration is .
In order for this to be proportional to , we need , which is how Newton arrived at his inverse square law:
So far so good. The messiness comes from the fact that the first law
allows for more mysterious elliptical orbits! Where the heck do
these come from? Last night, I was finding it hard to sleep when
a sweet hack occurred to me.
Read on to find out what it was!
Angular momentum
As opposed to Newton, who started with Kepler’s laws, we are going to
go in the other direction, and use Newtonian physics to get the ellipses.
First, let’s recall the basics of angular momentum.
Suppose an object of mass is at a distance from some point, and has an
angular velocity .
Then the angular momentum is
If is fixed, then in a fixed, small time increment , is fixed.
But this is twice the area swept out!
We simply calculate the area of the corresponding circle at that radius:
While itself can change a little, this contributes a negligible
amount as gets small.
Adding all these changes up, we find Kepler’s second law: equal areas
are swept out in equal times.
Once again, Newton used this to learn about conservation of angular momentum.
We will, instead, assume conservation of angular momentum, which
indeed holds for a central force like gravity.
Let’s focus now on figuring out what orbits are allowed by gravity.
The hack involves working with the potential energies, so we first
recall the gravitational potential:
Angular momentum has an energetic counterpart, rotational kinetic energy:
If is fixed, both kinetic and potential energies are a function of
, suggesting that life will be simpler if we work with a single
To capture the contribution of this rotational term, we simply add
it to the potential, to get an effective potential for the planet
which is a function of only:
This is a complicated looking beast.
We are now left with Kepler’s problem of determining what orbits are
Hacking Kepler’s first law
The hack is to change to a new variable, , so the potential becomes
This is quadratic, and quadratic potentials are
easy: they lead to simple harmonic motion!
The motion will be about the minimum of the potential, which occurs
halfway between the two roots at
Effective potentials work as follows.
If the planet has total energy , then
where is the linear kinetic energy, and is the
relevant time variable for the coordinate.
Somewhat subtly, this is not the same as the regular time . If we
want to interpret as the linear kinetic energy for the planet in
coordinates as well, we must have the relation
using .
Here, we can sneakily use conservation of momentum again!
Recall from above that .
Thus, we can immediately solve for the time variable in coordinates:
In other words, time in coordinates is proportional to angle!
Finally, let’s determine the motion in coordinates.
The “stiffness” of the restoring force, and hence angular frequency
, are given by
If we fix , then the planet will oscillate around with some
amplitude , according to
This is an ellipse with a focus at .
Ellipses and eccentricities
In case you don’t believe me, let’s rewrite the harmonic motion in terms of :
This is the equation for an ellipse of eccentricity and “semi-lattice rectum” , with a focus at ,
i.e. .
There are many things we could check here, but a good start is the relation between eccentricity and energy .
We have
The amplitude is simply the distance between the and the roots,
A circular orbit has and , which implies energy .
We can check this energy is correct, since
Since orbits are bound, i.e. have negative total energy, we expect
they will cease at , or .
If we plug this into the eccentricity, we find
which is the eccentricity of a parabola, so the orbit is indeed
For strictly positive energies, we have hyperbolic orbits, .
It all hangs together!
The effective potential in both radial and inverse
radial coordinates.
The third law
We’ll do one more sanity check: Kepler’s third law.
There is a trick to doing this.
There is also a direct method where one simply evaluates an integral
for :
where is the area of the ellipse, using our earlier result
for area, .
Now, at this point, if you know about ellipses, you might remember
that , for the semi-major axis and semi-minor axis .
Thus, the period has the form
You might also know that the semi-major and semi-minor axis are
related by , and hence .
This is Kepler’s third law!
But suppose you don’t have all these facts at your fingertips.
You can actually explicitly calculate the integral for (using for
instance the residue calculus from complex analysis, or a table, or a
symbolic algebra package), and directly get
No geometry required! But if you’re more comfortable with ellipses,
you can use them to evaluate a tricky integral.
Put simply, the effective potential is quadratic in , and all
the conic sections arise from simple harmonic motion.
This includes elliptical orbits, which wobble back and forth, and the
parabolic and hyperbolic “orbits” which hit , i.e. go off to
infinity in the coordinate.
Although the transformation is well-known — there is
nothing new orbiting the sun — I haven’t found anything which
emphasizes the simple harmonic motion. So hopefully there is some
small novelty in presentation!