In the tradition of dorky, maximalist websites, here are a few things I enjoy when I’m not doing science.


I’m an avid reader, and spend a lot of time/money fossicking for books. Here are some things that may interest fellow bibliophiles.


I occasionally code for fun in Python (it’s quick), Haskell (it’s beautiful) and Processing (it’s visual). A few small projects are listed below:

  • Genesim. Simulate the random distribution of genetic code around a family tree.
  • Partitions. Experimental partition identities in Haskell, now with blog post!
  • OpenProcessing. A collection of Processing sketches.

Visual art

I like drawing and making digital art. See my Instagram for more!

Under construction!

A "decadent" Gothic window.

In the tradition of dorky, maximalist websites, here are some non-science activities I enjoy.


I like drawing and making digital art. (Under construction!)


I code for fun and occasionally work. Languages I use:

  • For scientific computing, Python is now reasonably fast and fully-featured when combined with SciPy.
  • Processing is a great way to create interactive/visual sketches.
  • Haskell is probably the most beautiful programming language in the noosphere. It has a reputation for difficulty, since a lot of abstract mathematics is baked into it, but there are many excellent and free resources for learning it, such as:

My GitHub page is here. A few small projects: