Indescribably boring numbers
March 23, 2021. I turn the old joke about interesting numbers into a proof that most real numbers are indescribably boring. In turn, this implies that there is no explicit well-ordering of the reals. The axiom of choice, however, implies all are relatively interesting.
It’s a
running joke
among mathematicians that there are no boring numbers. Here’s the
proof. Let
Integers and rationals are interesting
The joke implicitly uses the fact that “numbers” refers to “whole numbers”
If it didn’t, then the minimum we used to get our contradiction wouldn’t always work! For instance, say we work with the integers
The set of boring integers
Most real numbers are boring
“Boring” and “interesting” are subjective.
We’ll use something a tad more well-defined, and replace
“interesting” with describable.
A number is describable if it has some finite description, using
words, mathematical symbols, even a computer program, which uniquely singles out that number.
For instance,
It turns out that almost every real number is indescribable, or “boring”, in our official translation of that term. The argument is very simple, and proceeds by simply counting the number of finite descriptions. Each such description consists of a finite sequence of symbols (letters, mathematical squiggles, algorithmic instructions), each of which could be elements of some very large alphabet of symbols. For instance, the text
can be converted into (decimal) unicode as
8730 50 32 105 115 32 116 104 101 32 112 111 115 105 116 105 118 101
32 115 111 108 117 116 105 111 110 32 111 102 32 120 94 50 61 50 46
Imagine some “super unicode” which lets us converts any symbol
into a number.
The super unicode alphabet may be arbitrarily large, so we will take it to
consist of every natural number
and convert the first bracket and all commas into
In turn, this can be converted to decimal,
The set
If I knew
An existential aside
There’s a loophole here. Our argument doesn’t establish that
I’m not sure about this “mathematical creationism”, and think there
are more things in the mathematical heavens than are dreamt of in
our finite human philosophy.
Why should human limitations be mathematical ones?
That said, it’s not the case that anything goes. We should have some
firm basis for believing in the existence of those things we can’t
discuss, and for the real numbers, the firm basis is drawing a
continuous line on a piece of paper, or thinking about infinite
decimal expansions. These are models of the real numbers,
concrete-ish objects which capture the essence of the abstract entity
Similarly, the indescribable things we would like to exist and reason about in set theory might depend on our models of set theory! I won’t get into the specifics, but an important point is there are many different models of set theory, with different properties, and it seeks unlikely that any one model is right. These properties are abstracted into axioms, formal rules about what exists and what you can or can’t do with sets. Because models of set theory are deep, highly technical constructions, most of the time we go the other way round, and play around with axioms instead. Only later do we go away and find models which support certain sorts of behaviour. The point of all this is to make it a bit less counterintuitive when I say that the existence and properties of boring numbers depend on which axioms we decide to use.
All real numbers are relatively interesting
So, let’s return to our problem of boring real numbers.
We argued there was no explicit, finitely describable rule for picking
an element out of
for some function
and for the rationals it is
This is called a well-ordering. Although it may not be describable, we could simply require, as an axiom of set theory, that any set can be well-ordered! More explicitly,
Any set
Although it doesn’t spoil our conclusion that most real numbers are
boring, such an axiom would allow us to turn the old joke into an
argument that all real numbers are relatively interesting, where
“relatively interesting” means that there is a finite description
where we are allowed to use the well-ordering
End of proof! So, although most real numbers are strictly boring, with a well-ordering all of them are relatively interesting.
Choosing an order
Well-ordering is not usually treated as an axiom. Historically, set theorists prefer to use a simpler rule called the axiom of choice, which is logically equivalent, as we will argue informally in a moment, but somehow less suspect. As Jerry Bona joked,
The axiom of choice is obviously true and the well-ordering principle obviously false.
(Actually, Bona’s joke mentions a third equivalent form called Zorn’s
lemma, but it would confuse matters too much to explain.)
Loosely, the axiom of choice just says we can pick an element from a
non-empty set. Pretty reasonable huh? If a set is nonempty, it has an element, so
we can pluck one out.
In fact, it’s usually stated in terms of a family of sets
Given a family of nonempty sets
The well-ordering principle implies the axiom of choice, since I can
just take the union of all the sets
as long as the set is nonempty. The well-ordering is simply the elements in the order we made the choice:
There are two issues with this construction.
The first is that it might feel sketchy to use the axiom of
choice “as we go” to build the sets, rather than starting with a
pre-defined family. But no one said this wasn’t allowed!
Second, our method only seems to work for sets as most as large as the
natural numbers, since we indexed elements with
The overarching theme of this post is how much mileage we can get from a bad joke. The answer: quite a lot! We learned not only that there are no boring integers and rational numbers, but via a simple counting argument, that the vast majority of real numbers are indescribably boring. This is equivalent to having no explicit way to well-order the reals. On the other hand, by giving ourselves the ability (via the axiom of choice) to pluck elements at will from non-empty sets, we are able to supply the reals with a well-ordering. So, all reals are relatively interesting, even if we can’t talk about them.
As usual, thanks to J.A. for the discussion which led to this post, and also for proposing an elegant mapping analogous to unicoding.
Appendix A: the Berry paradox
Consider the phrase
The smallest real number with no finite, explicit description.
If “smallest” refers to an explicitly definable well-ordering of the reals, then this would seem to pick out a unique number with a finite, explicit description. Contradiction! We used this to argue no explicit well-ordering exists. But let’s compare this to the Berry paradox, which asks us to consider the phrase
The smallest positive integer not definable in under sixty letters.
This phrase clocks in at under sixty letters, and would seem to define a
Since “smallest” here makes perfect sense (we are dealing with positive
integers), to resolve the Berry paradox, we must assume either (a)
there is no set
Of course, this seems be committed to a very specific notion of
“definition”, but the problem persists if we replace “definable” with
“meta-definable”, since the smallest non-meta-definable number is
really a meta-meta-definition.
The smallest positive integer not finitely lim-definable.
Since lim-definability is closed under going meta, as is “finite”, this is now a definition at the same level. Option (b) is no longer available to us, so only option (a) remains, and it follows that, like the joke that began it all, all positive integers are finitely lim-definable. This is of course obviously true.
Our argument against an explicit well-ordering is very closely related to the Berry paradox. The point of considering lim-definability is that we can build the same descriptive hierarchy for the real numbers, take the union, and rule out option (b). This leaves two ways to avoid a contradiction: no lim-definable ordering exists (involving some finite but unbounded number of references to sets in the hierarchy), or like the Berry paradox, every real is lim-definable. But unlike the positive integers, we know from set theory that the second option can’t be true! We still have a countable number of lim-definitions, as we can argue from unicoding. So there must be no lim-definable ordering of the reals, and no explicit well-ordering in particular.
Appendix B: ordinals and the axiom of choice
Ordinals are sets which we use to stand in for numbers.
The smallest ordinal is
To illustrate, we apply the successor operation to
Going on in this way gives us all the finite ordinals, but there are
also infinite ordinals. The smallest infinite ordinal, conventionally
It is called a limit ordinal since it is not the successor of any
finite ordinal. It is bigger than all the finite ones,
thereby giving a precise meaning to “infinity plus one”!
We won’t say more about the structure of these ordinals. The main
point is that we can always “count” the elements in a set
for any ordinal