October 15, 2019.
Not monstrously, but in wonderful variations. All I want to perform is white magic.
The eye is the best of artists… A sort of infinitude which it hath, like space and time, make all matter gay.
I want to extol a certain aesthetic mood. based on combinatorial play, coincidence, and a philosophy of encounter objects in themselves. Viewed in this light, aesthetic phenomena can be seen as the universe at play. This attitude is closely related to creativity (scientific creativity in particular) as well as natural beauty and the sublime.
When disposed by human artists, objects usually stand for something else.
It is a symbol of Irish art. The cracked looking glass of the servant.
White magic
Joseph Cornell made art from leftovers. Over a lifetime, mostly spent living with his mother and disabled brother in a small apartment in Queens, he collected used books, postcards, toys, household objects, and turned them into three-dimensional collage or assemblage.

- Nature (1836), Ralph Waldo Emerson.
- “How to do nothing” (2017), Jenny Odell.
//: # - “the greatest artist is the eye”, semiotics, state of mind //: # - transparent eyeball //: # - what is art? //: # - aleatoric art, arp //: # - word salad, collage, surrealism (japanese poems, merz, ernst?) //: # - materiality, e.g. pain, language, merz, borrowings //: # - rubbish, found objects, bricolage, tarkovsky (photos) //: # - outsider art //: # - can machines make art? lovelace “no pretensions to create //: # - texture, decay, industrial ruin //: # - appeal of “bad” art (carrot poem), children’s language/drawings, mishearings //: # - disquieting muses
The eye is the best of artists… And as the eye is the best composer, so light is the first of painters.
I’m speaking about a quest for quoz, of which I’ll say more as we go along, but until then, you might want to see Quoz as a realm filled with itself as a cosmos is with all that’s there, not just suns and planets and comets but dust and gas, darkness and light, and all we don’t know, and only a fraction of what we can imagine.
The eye is the best of artists… There is no object so foul that intense light will not make beautiful.
White is just what I mean. Not monstrously, but in wonderful variations. All I want to perform is white magic.
…the stimulus it affords to the sense, and a sort of infinitude which it hath, like space and time, make all matter gay.
The eye is the best of artists.
For reasons of space, I will focus on the former, but nature will be one of our leitmotifs.
For Proust, the madeleine symbolised memory;