January 5, 2021. Sublets is a fun game for road trips. Take letters from the license plates of passing cars, and find words of which the license plate letters form a subsequence. I explain the game in more detail and provide code for finding solutions. I also explore how the difficulty of the game varies with license plate length, and suggest some easier variants for longer plates.
Sublets (standing for “subsequence of letters”) is a game that, to the best of my knowledge, my family collectively invented on a car trip to South Australia in the noughties. In my home state of Victoria, Australia, license plates used to be alphanumeric strings consisting of three letters and three numbers. The game was simply to find a word in which those three letters occurred, and in that order. In mathematical parlance, the license plate letters are a subsequence of the word. Here is an example:
\[\mathbf{spf} \to \mathbf{sp}\text{oo}\mathbf{f}.\]The first person to find a valid word wins the round. The way we played it, if a tie breaker was needed, shorter and/or simpler words were preferred, so “spoof” beat “soporific”.
A solver
I’ve written a little solver to find sublets.
It’s based on the nltk
(Natural Language Toolkit) package for Python,
and in particular, the words
corpus, consisting of $\sim 250,000$
English words.
It also uses an iterator trick from the itertools
library, so we
start by invoking these two packages.
We also download the corpus:
import nltk
import itertools
from nltk.corpus import words
Our next step is to define a helper function subseq(str1, str2)
which checks if str2
is a subsequence of str1
It uses an iterator it
over the letters in str2
, and then
returns True
if each letter of the iterator is in str2
The ordering comes for free from the iterator:
def subseq(str1, str2):
it = iter(str2)
return all(x in it for x in str1)
Finally, for a given license plate string, sublets(str)
searches the whole corpus words.words()
and looks for supersequences:
def sublets(str):
return [word for word in words.words()
if subseq(str, word)]
Note that the words
corpus is in lowercase.
As an example, we can list words of seven letters or less for which
“spf” is a subsequence:
>>> [word for word in sublets('spf') if len(word) < 8]
['sapful', 'scupful', 'shipful', 'shopful', 'skepful',
'specify', 'spiff', 'spiffed', 'spiffy',
'spitful', 'spoffle', 'spoffy', 'spoof',
'spoofer', 'spuffle', 'stupefy']
Incidentally, this shows that “spoof” is the equal shortest word.
In general, we can find the shortest word with subletshort(str)
. It does two passes through
the whole list, one to find the minimum length, and a second to pluck
out all the words of that length:
def subletshort(str):
words = sublets(str)
minlength = min([len(word) for word in words])
return [word for word in words if len(word) == minlength]
An example:
>>> subletshort("pwm")
Apparently, “pewdom” refers to the “system or prevalence of pews in a church”. English is a funny language.
Difficulty scaling
With three letters, the game is often hard, but the chances seem good
that a word can eventually be found.
At some point, the system changed, and new cars began getting four
letters, which seems much more difficult.
This raises the question: just how much more difficult is it?
The simplest measure is to count the proportion of combinations with answers.
This will involve a lot of iteration, so we should optimise a little
to make sure things run in a reasonable time.
To begin with, we don’t need all the words in the list, just a check
if it is non-empty.
So we can write a function subletcheck(str)
which stops iterating over
the corpus and spits out True
as soon as it finds a single supersequence:
def subletcheck(str):
outcome = False
wordnum = len(words.words())
i = 0
while outcome == False & i < wordnum:
outcome = subseq(str, words.words()[i])
i = i + 1
return outcome
We can use this to build a function goodlets(n)
which returns the
list of strings of length n
which have valid supersequences.
Rather than iterate over combinations and then words, it iterates over
words, adding all the subsequences of length $n$ once again using itertools
def goodlets(n):
goodlet = set()
for word in words.words():
lower = [combos for combos in
list(itertools.combinations(word, n)) if
all(x.islower() for x in list(combos))]
return goodlet
Assuming license plates are random strings of length n
, then the
chance of success is given by the proportion of good strings to the
total number:
def subletprop(n):
return len(goodlets(n))/float(26**n)
So, let’s check how hard it is! I did up to six letters before my CPU got sore:
>>> [subletprop(n) for n in range(2, 7)]
[1.0, 0.9442, 0.6683, 0.2902, 0.0711]
About 94% of three letter sequences have an answer, but for four letter sequences, this drops to two thirds. As we increase the number of letters, the odds for success are increasingly dire. But these numbers are still much higher than I expected.
Common words
The problem is that the words
corpus includes ridiculous items like “spoffle” and
For a more realistic measure, we can replace words
the most common words occurring in a corpus of real text.
An oldie but a goodie is the brown
corpus, created at Brown
University in 1961.
I’m going to use it mainly because it’s relatively small, but you can
use your favourite nltk
First, we make a list of all the words (with repetition) in the
corpus, then obtain a frequency distribution using nltk.FreqDist
We then list the frequencies themselves, and truncate to the most common
20,000 words.
from nltk.corpus import brown, stopwords
fdist = nltk.FreqDist(word.lower() for word in brown.words()
if word not in stopwords.words('english'))
freqs = [fdist[word] for word in list(fdist.keys())]
freqs.sort(reverse = True)
cutoff = freqs[20000]
common = [word for word in list(fdist.keys())
if fdist[word] >= cutoff] + stopwords.words('english')
Note that we’ve used the stopwords
corpus to remove common
“plumbing” words like “the” or “I” from the frequency distribution,
but we add them back in at the end.
Our list common
gives us the 20,000 most common
non-stopwords, plus stopwords.
We then go back through the code above and replace words.words()
with common
In fact, you can simply define a function genprop(n, lst)
which uses
an arbitrary list of words.
Here are the corresponding chances of success for lst = common
>>> [genprop(n, common) for n in range(2, 7)]
[0.9822, 0.7606, 0.3264, 0.0635, 0.0056]
This is closer to what I expect. Your chance of getting a four letter combo (eventually) is only one in three. And for five or six letters, forget about it!
Random words
When we plot the probability of sucess for either wordlist, we get an S-shaped sigmoid curve. One family of such sigmoid curves is the exponential sigmoid, of the form:
\[f(n) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{a(n - b)}}.\]Here are the datapoints (for words
) against a sigmoid with $a = 1.6$ and $b = 4.5$:

This sigmoid appears to be an artefact of the combinatorics rather
than English itself.
To see this, we can check against a simple stochastic model of word formation.
The basic idea will be to pretend that English is made by selecting
letters from the alphabet at random, and if you draw a space, the word
To start with, we import the string
and random
packages, define
the lowercase alphabet, and an alphabet supplemented by some number s
of spaces:
import string, random
alpha = string.ascii_lowercase
def alphaspace(s):
return alpha + s*' '
def rndword(s):
lett = random.choice(alpha)
word = lett
while lett != ' ':
lett = random.choice(alphaspace(s))
word = word + lett
return word[:-1]
We lop off the last character since this is always a space.
The number s
controls the likelihood of drawing a space. More
precisely, the probability of drawing a space is $p = s/(s+26)$, and
the length of words follows a
geometric disribution,
with expected length
English has an average word length of just under five letters, suggesting we should take $s = 9$, with $L_s \approx 4.9$. We can check this empirically by generating many random words and taking the averge length:
def avgrnd(s):
repeats = 10000
return sum([len(rndword(s)) for
i in range(repeats)])/repeats
Let’s see that we get a sensible average:
>>> avgrnd(9)
To proceed, we generate a list of 20,000 random words for $s =
9$, and calculate the success probability.
The function rndmlst(s, total)
generates the list:
def rndmlst(s, total):
return [rndword(s) for i in range(total)]
Now we check with our function which computes the probability of success given an arbitrary wordlist:
>>> [genprop(n, myrndlst) for n in range(2, 7)]
[1.0, 0.9209, 0.2164, 0.0233, 0.0023]
This dips faster and earlier than the real curves, with $a \approx 3.6$ and $b \approx 3.65$:

Nevertheless, the sigmoid pops out of our simple random model. It would be nice to derive the explicit form of the curve in this setup, and see what the shape parameters are telling us about the distribution of words, but I leave that for another time.
Subtle sublet variants
Given the basic statistical difficulty of four letters, it would nice to have an easier variant. A simple option is allowing for rearrangment of letters, but penalising the number of swaps. For instance, “mqua” can be rearranged to “aqum” via a single swap (“m” and “a”), and is a subsequence of “aquamarine”. One could also discard letters, e.g. “mqua” becomes “qua”, with supersequence “quantum”. Both necessitate a scoring system, sacrificing some of the simplicity of the original version.
Another, potentially more interesting, option is to pair with license numbers. These could be used as “resources” to shift letters in the alphabet. Since doing this under time pressure, in your head, is difficult, I don’t think any additional scoring mechanism is needed to make this variant fair. To keep things challenging, this works best if numbers are paired with the corresponding letters. Here is an example:
\[\mathbf{dpuw1275} \to \mathbf{epub\bar{1}27\bar{5}} \to \text{r}\mathbf{epub}\text{lican},\]where the overline indicates that a number has been used to move the letter forward in the alphabet. One could restrict to forward shifts, or allow both forward and backward shifts, depending on taste and difficulty. I leave the success probabilities of these variants for another rainy day blog post! Let me know if you have any suggestions for improving the game or your own variants.